GSoC’21 Blog 3
The last 2 weeks was mainly fixing bugs, creating tests, writing examples and documenting the code.
Week 5
In the last blog, I wrote about how I approached plotting the ECDF Plots. But as the first evaluations were close so I started to complete my Dot Plots PR by adding tests, examples and writing documentation.
So ArviZ uses pytest for testing. So I needed to add tests for both the Matplotlib and Bokeh backend. To see the tests please look into the Dot Plots PR. Apart from tests, I added tests to the docstring and also Arviz has a separate examples folder for a better understanding of the plots hence added examples there too.
Week 6
This week we had our first GSoC evaluation and I am glad to announce that I have passed my first evaluation.
So this week was mainly fixing bugs and nitpicks from our mentors. I mainly devoted this week to cleaning and fixing the code so that the PR can be ready to be merged.
Now I have again started working on the ECDF plots and I will open a PR for it this week.
In my next blog, I provide an update on the ECDF plots and also explain it in deep so that everybody can get the basic notion of how it will help in analysis.
Let’s meet in 2 weeks. Thank you